Restaurante is a mock website for restaurant business and was created in the Mobile-Friendly Websites class at Geekwise Academy.

Pet Store is another mock website created in the Mobile-Friendly Websites class at Geekwise Academy.

Automated Building Components is a non-responsive mock website for an existing local business. This was my final project for Websites for Beginners, my first class at Geekwise Academy.

Pet-Date is a web application which connects potential pet owners with animal shelters for purposes of scheduling a play time with one of its rescued pets. This application was created, designed, and developed collaboratively in the No-Instructor class at Geekwise Academy.

Iris is a California state education standards-based web application which connects elementary school students and parents with their classroom teachers to provide mathematics and language arts practice (including feedback) outside of the classroom. This application was created, designed, and developed collaboratively in the No-Instructor class at Geekwise Academy.